Accel sucks big C*CKS!
(too old to reply)
Dave U. Random
2014-04-12 03:35:46 UTC
If you want absolute sh*t for your car Accel has junk fuel injectors
that absolutely SUCK! LinkedIn They also have some real C*Ck Managers
like Steve Mashek, Elie Nahed and Abe Del-Rio who are their to F*CK
customers with the SH*T that they sell. When it fails, they act as if
its your fault! They are selling CRAP and they know it and are
dsimissing customer concerns left and right after destroying their
expensive equipment! Buy your auto parts from other companies NOT
Accel, Mr. Gasket or any Prestolite company period! Buyer Beware they
are C*CKS and sell SH*T!
2014-04-12 12:34:02 UTC
Post by Dave U. Random
If you want absolute sh*t for your car Accel has junk fuel injectors
that absolutely SUCK! LinkedIn They also have some real C*Ck Managers
like Steve Mashek, Elie Nahed and Abe Del-Rio who are their to F*CK
customers with the SH*T that they sell. When it fails, they act as if
its your fault! They are selling CRAP and they know it and are
dsimissing customer concerns left and right after destroying their
expensive equipment! Buy your auto parts from other companies NOT
Accel, Mr. Gasket or any Prestolite company period! Buyer Beware they
are C*CKS and sell SH*T!
We grownups have multiple carburetors.
Andrew Muzi
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